England Winston
England Winston features tight back and track arm for a clean contemporary style. Available in 100s of fabrics as a sofa, loveseat, sectional, and queen, full, twin sleeper sofas. Made in USA!Sofa: 35 ...

England Harlow
England Harlow features mid-century modern styling fit for any contemporary home as a great conversation piece. Comes standard with unique swivel base with dark finish on wood feet in your choice of l ...

Amish Timber Sofa Server
Amish Timber Sofa Server features solid rustic cherry construction throughout and is the perfect companion for your laptop or drinks in the living room! The Timber Sofa server will also be the perfect ...

Amish Lincoln Tables
Amish Lincoln tables feature simple solid oak design and construction that will last a lifetime. The economically priced group is shown with the Asbury finish and can also be custom ordered in several ...