Amish Furniture Prices

Casually mention the process for Amish furniture shopping among most social circles, and there’s a fairly good chance at least one person in the party will take note of a perceived price difference between the unique pieces crafted by the hands of talented artisans and those furniture options mass produced in factories far from the welcoming coast of the United States of America. In other words, there is the mistaken belief among far too many people that price is the sole deciding factor when it comes to a home furnishings purchase, regardless of the quality of the furniture in question.
In reality, there is nothing further from the truth where affordable furniture purchases are concerned. For the most part, Amish furniture choices carry with them surprisingly affordable price tags, especially when prospective shoppers factor in the intangible level of quality that helps transform practically every piece of Amish furniture into a future family heirloom, to be proudly passed from one generation to the next in a family.
The best way to illustrate this practical approach to contemplating Amish furniture prices is to consider the hypothetical home owner that proudly proclaims “I only buy the cheapest furniture that money can buy.” This frugal shopper probably faces the daunting prospect of replacing these inexpensive pieces of furniture at least every four or five years, as bargain-basement furniture is understood to have a lifespan of effectiveness dramatically reduced in comparison to the typical piece of furniture. Cushions tend to become compressed; wooden frames crack; stains fail to protect the finish; and of course, use of less-than-quality components contribute to a sense of planned obsolescence in pieces likely consisting mostly of particle board.
Conversely, a wise furniture shopper can instantly recognize the highest level of quality upon a first close encounter in the furniture showroom. While inexpensive furniture items must be replaced with alarming (and expensive) regularity, a typical piece of Amish furniture that’s proudly built to last by Amish craftsmen in a time-honored tradition will in all likelihood be purchased one time per generation. From a practical perspective, these pieces – like couches, bed frames, end tables, coffee tables and so much more – are built to last for the duration of a generation. There’s no need to continue replacing these pieces on a regular basis, as those furniture choices are likely to last the life of the home.
The benefit from purchasing Amish furniture is crystal clear. Manufactured by hand by craftsmen utilizing hand tools in the time-tested tradition advocated by a faith that prefers to avoid employing modern technology, Amish-built furniture is a solid investment in the future. The wisdom of the purchase is unquestioned, but what’s left unspoken is the intangible qualities that are inherently built into every single piece of Amish furniture.
Comfort? Undeniable. Amish furniture is built by hand by fellow human beings that understand what separates comfortable furniture from decidedly unwelcoming pieces. Factor in the great looks and welcoming appearance of Amish furniture and the end result is a winning choice against all competitors.