Top 10 Things Making Amish Furniture the Best Choice

Amish furniture has rightfully earned a reputation in the minds of American consumers coast-to-coast as the preeminent choice when it comes to complementing the perfect home with the perfect furniture. Ask any existing Amish furniture owner to extol the virtues of their Amish furniture, and the person asking the probing questions is advised to pull up one of those indescribably comfortable Amish rocking chairs and settle in for a while. There are many, many virtues to be shared. For the uninitiated, here’s an utterly informal and totally unscientific listing of 10 ten things that make Amish furniture the best choice:
• Comfort – When it comes to furniture, is there really anything more important than comfort? Nobody cares to sit in an easy chair that makes life anything but easy for those suffering from back pain. Amish furniture is crafted to offer support while matching the nuances of the human form; after all, the craftsman constructing his customer’s furniture is probably enjoying the same type of furniture in his own home. That makes for a sure bet that comfort factors in heavily with every piece of Amish furniture.
• Style – Whether it’s a traditional Amish furniture look that’s desired or a contemporary appearance to accent a state-of-the-art home appearance, Amish furniture can be fully customized and comes in a wide range of styles matching the unique expectations of the customer. As for the looks? It’s safe to say that Amish furniture would not have the long-lasting cachet in the minds of customers if it didn’t bear a timeless style.
• Variety – Make no mistake. “Amish furniture” is a phrase that includes far more than your grandmother’s rocking chair. Amish-made furniture includes beds, bedroom sets, dressers, vanities, office chairs, desks, filing cabinets, sofas, chairs, coffee and end tables, dining room tables, chairs and so much more. Fully furnishing a home solely with Amish-made furniture is easy. The only hard part is determining how the furniture can be fairly shared with the next generation of family members, since Amish furniture tends to last for decades.
• Customized – Factories are capable of mass-producing furniture to exact specifications, with no variance involved. Owners are obligated to modify their homes to match the furniture. That’s not the case where Amish furniture is concerned. There pieces are handmade by artisans thoroughly trained by their family members, allowing an ability to customize orders to customer expectations like no automated process.
• Durable – There’s a timeless nature to Amish furniture that’s (happily) out of step with a modern disposable society where it seems all things are made to be discarded within the next five years. Crafted from wood by hand, Amish furniture simply is built to last. The proof? Simply ask yourself: When did you last hear of a friend or acquaintance throwing out their “broken” Amish furniture.
• Hand-made – Every Amish craftsman is educated in the arts of woodworking by experienced mentors, continuing a family tradition dating back in many instances hundreds of years. Their stock and trade? Crafting various hard woods into furniture that could easily pass for pieces of art, using hand tools in the way of their ancestors.
• Unique – As a result of the hand-made nature of Amish furniture, each piece carries the individual nuances inherent in the work. No one piece can ever perfectly match another, as each is the result of individual effort. Those seeking cookie-cutter uniformity and plainness in their Amish furniture should understand that idea runs counter to what Amish artisans produce. Quality work, however, is a trait that will never be lacking.
• Conversation pieces – Imagine the thrill of entertaining guests in a new residence, with all the enjoyment that comes with sharing time with those visitors during an intimate tour of the home. Those tours have a tendency to stop and admire – not surprisingly – the appeal of the Amish furniture. That’s a great ice-breaker where conversations are concerned.
• Historic – Amish furniture first gained notice among consumers early in the 20th century as American folk art grew in popularity, and that trend has not diminished early in the 21st century. Factor in the durability that helps distinguish Amish furniture made from 100-percent wood (not laminate or particle board), and there’s a good chance 200-year-old Amish furniture in a future living room is a near certainty.
• Made in the U.S.A. – Some of the larger Amish communities thrive in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ohio and nearby states, guaranteeing that appealing, built-to-last Amish furniture usually crafted from North American hardwoods were crafted by hand in the U.S.A.
See for yourself how appealing Amish furniture can be, by visiting one of Michigan’s best destinations for furniture shopping in southeast Michigan. Jasen’s Fine Furniture (located at 27603 Gratiot in Roseville) offers a two-story showroom filled with a wide array of pieces crafted by Amish craftsman. Call (586) 777-1717 for more information.